Advertising on Facebook

We advertised our Christmas Carols on Facebook this year.  It’s hard to measure the results  in terms of people who actually came to the event  but Facebook gave some interesting statistics…

This was the ad we ran. It’s a simple  invitation that linked to a Carols ‘event’ on our church Facebook page.  I wanted to keep the ad simple, and aimed at good PR for the event rather than challenging people with a message.

One of the great things about Facebook is that you can target the ad. We  targeted the ad to all adults who live in Dubbo,  as you can see below.

There  was a separate section of the targeting screen where we could exclude people from seeing the ads,  and I chose to exclude all members of our church Facebook page.  This means we’re not paying for church people to see the ad.

You can be more specific with your targeting.  For  example you can choose to only target  people who are connected to people who like your church page.


I limited the  ad campaign to a maximum of $10 per day for the 7 days,  but I don’t think it reached this limit as the total cost for the week was $34.46.

And finally, here are the results:

I ran the ads for a little under 1 week and they reached 4903 people. (This is about one 3rd of the people who live in Dubbo and use Facebook.)

Frequency means that on average these people saw the ad 28 times each.

Social Reach is very useful. It refers to people who saw the ad and who are already connected to our church. (706 people who saw the ad were friends of people who ‘like’  the Dubbo Presbyterian Church Facebook page.)

34 clicks means that  34 people clicked on the ad.

9 connections means that out of those 34 people who went to the event page,  9 people RSVP’d  to say they would come or ‘liked’ the event.

I am very pleased with these results. It’s a great way to help raise awareness of Church events. It’s relatively cheap – for example we also did a letterbox drop of 10,000 cards that cost us $600 to get printed.



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